Pen drive / memory card virus solution is easy to get lost to find files Pen drive / memory card / hard disk eksartaranala Now the most widely used file storage. They are used on a regular basis, but the shortcut / virus did not wear his difficulties, there are very few such people. Issues: The problem usually shows shortcut to the For the virus to hide Despite the gap shown in the file storage. Solution: Hide some files are virus for a long time. hide and unhide files are gone. For him, My Computer on the left side of the open window at the click Organize Folder and Search Options select the new pop-up window will appear. Select View- there in the Show Hidden Files, Folders, or Drives hide the file storage without the tick mark Ok'll see. Then right-click your mouse over the file storage Hidden from the Properties of the file are ok check mark by lifting it will always visible. I go in advance solution If the shortcut file / hidden file show that after the files are no...