6 Tips To Take Care Of Your Parakeets
6 Tips To Take Care Of Your Parakeets By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shalini_Madhav/2396631]Shalini Madhav It's important to know that parakeets are entertaining pets. They don't need lots of cost or upkeep. With proper care, these birds can live up to 14 years. Given below are a few tips that you can follow to take good care of your birds keep them happy at all times. 1. Parakeets Wants to be in Company First of all, if you have just one bird, you have to get him a mirror. While a lone bird won't feel bored in your company, a mirror can help him feel happier, especially when you are not around. Aside from a mirror, you can also buy your parakeet a good bird stand-in from a good pet store. Ideally, you should get him another bird for company. 2. Give him different types of food Here it's important to keep in mind that simple birdseed tend to get old quickly. On pet stores, you can find a variety of birdie treats, such as clip-on sticks, birdie biscuit...